Preprocessing module

Temporary documentation for the content of IGAparametrization class.

geometricSettings corresponds to the content of .NB file

mechanicalSettings corresponds to the content of .inp file

mechanicalSettings is a list with the following components :

  • [0] : parameters ???

  • [1] : boundary conditions

  • [2] : load

  • [3] : nodes

  • [4] : IEN connectivity

  • [5] : material properties

  • [6] : properties ???

  • [7] : tables, used for nodal distributions

  • [8] : shapeparametrization ????

geometricSettings is a list with the following components :

  • [0] : dimension

  • [1] : sizes of knot vectors

  • [2] : knot vectors

  • [3] : degrees

  • [4] : knot spans

  • [5] : weights

  • [6] : number of elements per patch

  • [7] : number of nodes ???

  • [8] : number of elements (per patch ???)

Members of IGAparametrization class

Global model informations

  • _ELT_TYPE : an array containing the element types for each patch (size : number of patchs)

  • _NBPINT : an array containing the number of integration points per element for each patch (size : number of patchs)

  • _TENSOR : an array containing the tensor type for each patch patch (size : number of patchs)

  • _mcrd : a scalar the number of coordinates of the model

Control points informations

  • _COORDS : a 2D array containing the coordinates of the control points (shape : 3, number of control points)

  • _nb_cp : a scalar containing the total number of control points

Elements informations

  • _IEN : a list containing the connectivity table for each patch (length : number of patchs). Each element of the list _IEN is a 2D array of shape (number of element of the patch, number of control points per element)

Material informations

  • _MATERIAL_PROPERTIES : a 2D array containing the material properties for each patch (shape : 3, number of patchs). The first dimension is 3 for elastic materials (Young modulus, Poisson ratio, density) but can be set higher for specific material behaviours (gradient elasticity, plasticity, …)

  • _N_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES : an array containing the numebr of material properties for each patch (size : number of patchs)

Properties informations

  • _PROPS : a list containing arrays with the properties with real values for each patch (length : number of patchs). Each element of the _PROPS list can have a different size

  • _JPROPS : an array containing the number of properties for each patch (size : number of patchs)

Geometry informations

  • _dim : an array containing the dimension of each patch (size : number of patchs)

  • _Nkv : a 2D array containing the number of knots for each patch (shape : 3, number of patchs)

  • _Ukv : a list containing the knot vectors for each patch (length : number of patchs). Each element of the list _Ukv is a list of size 3 containing an array representing with the knot values of the patch in each parametric direction

  • _Jpqr : a 2D array containing the degrees of each patch in each direction (shape : 3, number of patchs)

  • _Nijk : a 2D array containing the knot span for each element in each direction (shape : 3, total number of elements)

  • _weight : a list containing the weights for each element (length : total number of elements). Each element of the list is an array whose size is number of control points of the element

  • _elementsByPatch : an array containing the number of elements for each patch (size : number of patchs)

  • _nb_patch : a scalar containg the number of patchs

  • _nnode : an array containing the number of control points per element for each patch (size : number of patchs)

  • _nb_elem : a scalar containing the total number of elements

Other informations

  • _indCPbyPatch : an array containing the indices of control points for each patch (size : number of patchs). Each element of the array is an array containing the indices of the control points for a given patch (size : number of control points of the corresponding patch)

Class members (TEST)